Thursday, August 20, 2009

Inconvenient Truth

The scene that really strike me are those scenes that showed the effects of global Italicwarming.
I really worried and bothered about it. It is scary because there are things happening right now in our earth that is unusual.
I realized after I watch the movie that what we'd all done to our earth was too much already. The earth fight us back in all the abuses we'd done to it. I realize also that it was us who started this problem and it was also us who will suffer the consequences.
I can help to solve this problem by telling others this movie so that they could watch it. The impact of the movie is really intense and I really prefer this movie to be watch by all the people around the world. You will decide to do something about it after you watch the movie. This movie will made you realized the things you done in to the earth. This movie is really great.

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