Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5th Journal: "The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"
During my last year as a highschool student, I was given a chance to show my talents.
My english teacher who is also our classroom adviser, told us that we will have a project, and it was a play. Romeo and Juliet is the story that they want us to show. My classmate had a hard time choosing for the role of Juliet. During the nomination for the Juliet role, I am not in the classroom because I was excused by my moderator in club to practice and to teach us the flower arrangement because we are going to join a contest in Lyceum.
When I returned in the classroom to get something, they all look at me and they shouted that I will be the Juliet. I was surprised because I never thought that they would choose me though I know that it will be a break for me to show what I have. At first I don't want to accept the role because it's hard for me to act as a girl like Maria Clara. (haha) But they really want me to do the role that's why I finally accept it. During the practices, I'm not focusing well because I'm quite shy to act in front of my classmates. But I know to myself that I could do it. After a few days, our director told me that I should sing so that our play would partly musical, I was really surprised because I will sing in front of a crowd. The play was presented twice, during the school fair in our gym (2nd day) and before the Bingo (3rd day) . Before the presentation, I was really nervous because I'm worrying on what will happen during the play especially in the part that I will sing because I haven't memorize yet the whole song, especially the last part. But during the presentation I was able to act well and sing the song well though I forgot the last part but they said that it's not obvious and I was able to manage it. After the presentation I received compliments from the teachers, sisters (nun), classmates and schoolmates and from my family because they watched me. After I heard their compliments, I said to myself that it's all
worth it. It was challenging but I learned something about it, that I should have self-confidence and I have to trust myself that I could do the things that i've never done before.
I also ask God for help and i thank him. It's challenging but I know that I was
able to share what I have to others.

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