Thursday, August 20, 2009

8th Journal

Guide Questions:

a) What challenge did you take?
  • I'd take the "avoid cheating" challenge. :)

b) Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?

  • I was able to do the challenge because during the ENG011 2nd long exam, I didn't study anything about it. That's why I worried that I might fail the exam. It entered my mind to cheat from my seatmate by I was able to refuse the temptation. That's why I was able to answer all the questions and items. And it is easy. I feel very happy that I was able to answer the exam without the concern of others and by not cheating.

c) What have you realized/learned from your experience?

  • I realized that cheating is not the best solution when you haven't study anything before the exam. The best way is to believe in yourself that you could make it and asking for God's help and guidance.

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