Thursday, August 20, 2009

Inconvenient Truth

The scene that really strike me are those scenes that showed the effects of global Italicwarming.
I really worried and bothered about it. It is scary because there are things happening right now in our earth that is unusual.
I realized after I watch the movie that what we'd all done to our earth was too much already. The earth fight us back in all the abuses we'd done to it. I realize also that it was us who started this problem and it was also us who will suffer the consequences.
I can help to solve this problem by telling others this movie so that they could watch it. The impact of the movie is really intense and I really prefer this movie to be watch by all the people around the world. You will decide to do something about it after you watch the movie. This movie will made you realized the things you done in to the earth. This movie is really great.

10th Journal

Guide Questions:

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.

My friends want me to try drinking alcoholic beverages.

2. How did you react to it? Why?

I accept their offer. (haha) Because I also want to try it.

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?

I feel nothing because I'm the one who made my decision and they didn't force me that much to drink. It's also my choice not just them.

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

I realized that if others really want you to try something that you also want to try you will give in to their offer no matter what.

9th Journal


1. How do you describe a responsible person?

I could say that a person is responsible if he was able to do his task as a person, student, parent, and as a community member. And if he/she was able to share and inspire on what he/she have done.

2. What are your responsibilities:

a) at home
  • My responsibilty at home is to do the things that my mother told me and to work without any complains. I have to make sure that our house is organize and clean.

b) in school

  • My responsibility is to study, to pass all the requirements needed and to attend classes. To respect others.

c) in your community

  • My responsibility is to follow all the rules and avoid things that would make my community worse and not organize.

8th Journal

Guide Questions:

a) What challenge did you take?
  • I'd take the "avoid cheating" challenge. :)

b) Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?

  • I was able to do the challenge because during the ENG011 2nd long exam, I didn't study anything about it. That's why I worried that I might fail the exam. It entered my mind to cheat from my seatmate by I was able to refuse the temptation. That's why I was able to answer all the questions and items. And it is easy. I feel very happy that I was able to answer the exam without the concern of others and by not cheating.

c) What have you realized/learned from your experience?

  • I realized that cheating is not the best solution when you haven't study anything before the exam. The best way is to believe in yourself that you could make it and asking for God's help and guidance.

7th Journal

Health Assessment
I realized that my health is fine and I was able to take care of myself. To continue my good health, I plan to eat healthy foods. I'll also try to have a regular exercise to have a good and healthy body and to make myself always on the go. :) I realized that I should apply an healthy diet in my lifestyle so that I could continue a good health.

6th Journal

Guide Questions:

a) What challenge did you take?
  • I'd take the challenge in getting the highscore in quix or seatwork.

b) Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?

  • I was able to beat the challenge because I listened in the discussion and also through the help of my classmates because the guide me. :) I feel very happy because I was able to get highscore and for me, it's a fulfillment.

c) What have you realized/learned from your experience?

  • I've realized that listening with understanding during the discussion is really a big help. I alos learned to do on my own and seek help if I can't stand. (HAHA)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5th Journal: "The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"
During my last year as a highschool student, I was given a chance to show my talents.
My english teacher who is also our classroom adviser, told us that we will have a project, and it was a play. Romeo and Juliet is the story that they want us to show. My classmate had a hard time choosing for the role of Juliet. During the nomination for the Juliet role, I am not in the classroom because I was excused by my moderator in club to practice and to teach us the flower arrangement because we are going to join a contest in Lyceum.
When I returned in the classroom to get something, they all look at me and they shouted that I will be the Juliet. I was surprised because I never thought that they would choose me though I know that it will be a break for me to show what I have. At first I don't want to accept the role because it's hard for me to act as a girl like Maria Clara. (haha) But they really want me to do the role that's why I finally accept it. During the practices, I'm not focusing well because I'm quite shy to act in front of my classmates. But I know to myself that I could do it. After a few days, our director told me that I should sing so that our play would partly musical, I was really surprised because I will sing in front of a crowd. The play was presented twice, during the school fair in our gym (2nd day) and before the Bingo (3rd day) . Before the presentation, I was really nervous because I'm worrying on what will happen during the play especially in the part that I will sing because I haven't memorize yet the whole song, especially the last part. But during the presentation I was able to act well and sing the song well though I forgot the last part but they said that it's not obvious and I was able to manage it. After the presentation I received compliments from the teachers, sisters (nun), classmates and schoolmates and from my family because they watched me. After I heard their compliments, I said to myself that it's all
worth it. It was challenging but I learned something about it, that I should have self-confidence and I have to trust myself that I could do the things that i've never done before.
I also ask God for help and i thank him. It's challenging but I know that I was
able to share what I have to others.