Monday, July 6, 2009

3rd Journal

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

If I will have one outstanding virtue, I want it to be understanding. Actually, I'm proud to say that I have this and I'm very happy that I have this virtue. Because for me, once you know how to understand, you will have the chance to be understand also. All I want is to be understand by everyone, that's why I really try to understand someone so they would return also something for me.

And if you will look more deeply in the word "understanding", once you have this virtue, you know how to love. Because you will not force yourself to understand something if you don't love it. For me, it will all start in understanding. Without this, you can't be a better person or you cannot attain the person that you want to be. Without this, the person around you will never had a chance to like you and to know you. Without this, you'll be in despair.

Know how to understand and you will be satisfied in life. :)